Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hello Baby Bump

✌🏼Goodbye Abs πŸ™ˆ
But Hello little pudgy Baby Bump!! πŸ’•πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ☀️
This experience with my body changing over the past 12 weeks has been very interesting! I was so sick you guys, I can't even begin to tell you. So nauseated, so tired, my food as versions left about 4 foods I could eat...all doughnut related πŸ˜‚ however this pregnancy has already proven to be VERY different than my last pregnancy! With Brodilynn, I didn't workout, I didn't eat well, I had all sorts of ailments and soreness. I had no concern over my own health and said "I'll eat whatever now and work it off later"
This pregnancy I am 150% committed to my health! I am fully back at working out and follow my meal plan (plus a few extra containers πŸ˜‰) <--- truth is..."working it off later" is super lame & ALOT more challenging than you'd think!
As for workouts...I have a few programs in mind, all suitable for my different stages of pregnancy! I am going to bring you guys along on my journey through each of them! Nope, pregnancy is NOT an excuse to keep moving and I know how insane labour is haha im training for that!
As for Shakeology...YES YES YES! Why wouldn't I offer up Raw, Organic superfoods to my little peanut (and avoid depriving myself of the nutrients)?! Totally safe for pregnant & nursing mommas πŸ’•πŸŒ± Serves as a prenatal (and not a synthetically made one <--- all nature intended baby!) and any excuse for chocolate right?!
I had to take a little time off these past couple of months, not following a schedule. I worked out when I could, I drink Shakeology & juiced because you cannot survive on cereal, and I slept...ALOT! I have OFFICIALLY entered into my Second Trimester which is already proving to be full of energy & motivation! So I am BACK AT IT!
As for coaching...just another one of the million reasons I love my job! I was able to work from my bed when I was certain I was dying & I ran a challenge group with some seriously amazing ladies! Guys...I am ALL IN! I am beyond excited to share this new journey with you & show you that this is NOT all about weightloss but learning to live a healthy, fulfilling life! Real talk tho...if I can do this pregnant through all the ups and downs, you have NO EXCUSES!
Challenge group starts next Monday! I am 100% participating in this with the same program all my ladies are doing! My goals are a little different this time, my meal plan is a little different but my desire to make positive movements in my life and your life remains the same! I have a couple of spots available of this month if your wanting to jump in with us! ☀️

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