Friday, March 27, 2015

Join the Inferno Brigade!

I'm accepting 10 ladies into my Inferno Apprenticeship!! These 10 spots are available to ladies who want to work from home and spend more time with their families this year! I will personally one on one mentor you using the tools I used to build a 6 figure income business in under 2 years and became Canada's Top Coach!
I LOVEEEE this training! I get so excited everything I get to connect with all the like minded people! I made a decision to create FINANCIAL FREEDOM, ownership over my future, the courage to start dreaming again & the sisterhood that has made me more loving, positive, courageous, fun & determined! YOUR TURN!
Less than 2 years ago I was a new momma...about 40 lbs overweight...completely stressed out and home, living in my parents basement, a job I wasn't able to continue doing, no future plan & TRAPPED! No savings, no safety net...just a whole lotta stress and constant worry.
Beachbody gave me my freedom, and SOOO much more! It's afforded me a pretty incredible life for me and my daughter, a positive outlook one a once not-so-promising life, AMAZING relationships and a very exciting future. It gives me goosebumps thinking about how I will be able to give Brodilynn and I the life we dream of, the life my daughter deserves.
Wanna know what drives me to keep pushing every day??? My MOTIVATION is to pay it forward and share this blessing with others who are struggling just like I was.
I didn't have the skills or the knowledge to be a business owner and had NO idea about fitness...but I did have
-A desire to do MORE with my life
I STRONGLY believe this opportunity has been placed in my life so that I can share it with other women. 
I am confident that I can teach you EXACTLY what I have done to build my business...and actually teach you how to SURPASS my success!
You don’t have to have all of the pieces to be successful. It takes a special kind of person who is willing to take risks & learn as they go!
This business...the opportunity to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, is NOT for everyone
If you….
- know deep down you were meant for something greater...
- want to create independence & freedom for you & your family BUT also feel a calling to give back and help others!
- Want to live by DESIGN: Be your own boss- work when you want, where you want doing what you LOVE!
- COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices if it meant spending the rest of their life enjoying long-term success! 
If you are reading this & you hear that little voice….and your gut is telling you to GO FOR IT...I want to to hear from you! Listen to that little voice...ITS ALWAYS RIGHT!
Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My New Car!!

YES! #3 HUGE GOAL of 2015 knocked off the list yesterday!

I took all of your advice and went with a small SUV and FREAKING LOVE IT! The panoramic sunroof is bad ass but the best part...I paid for this baby 100% with Beachbody money!

This signifies so much more to me than the ability to treat myself...yesterday I was sitting in the dealership while they put my new plates on and I started to cry.Just a little over 2 years ago I sat there on my bedroom floor crying because I didn't know where the money for diapers would come from for my beautiful daughter and PRAYED there was a way to provide her with a better life. I got my own health under control and found my passion for helping others along the way that ended up COMPLETELY changing the course of my life...I sat there crying yesterday because I KNOW that ANYTHING I put on that dream board can become a reality AND I get to show my daughter than she will NEVER have to put a cap on her own dreams.

So thank you Beachbody! For giving me this opportunity, giving me my life back, making all my dreams come true AND believing in me
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