Sunday, December 28, 2014

Lemony Chicken Rice Casserole

Lemony Chicken Rice Casserole

This healthy recipe is really easy and is made with ingredients you probably already have on hand!  Plus, its ready in only 30 minutes. 


1 lb chicken breast or thigh - cut into 1 inch pieces
1.5 cup chicken broth (I always use Better Than Bouillon)
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tsp. honey
2.5 tbsp plain greek yogurt
1 cup cooked brown rice
2 cups green beans - cut into 1 inch pieces
1/2 tsp both Himalayan salt and pepper


1. Bring chicken broth and lemon juice to a boil in a large pot, add chicken pieces, reduce to medium heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes (until chicken is thoroughly cooked)
2. Remove chicken from pot and set aside; turn broth to high heat and let cook for 5 minutes
3. Stir in salt and pepper, whisk in greek yogurt and honey.
4. Add 1 cup of cooked brown rice 2 tbsp of water
5. Add green beans and let cook down for 5 minutes.
6. Stir chicken back into pot and serve!

**21 day fixers**
Each serving - fill up 1 green container with casserole
1 red container
1 yellow container
1/2 green container

TIP- if you don't have cooked rice already made, use one cup of brown rice and 2 cups of water and boil together until liquid is gone.  Start the rice before starting the casserole and everything will be ready around the same time!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Strong is the BEST sexy!

Time for a little self CHECK-IN!
My goal is this journey has NEVER been to be "skinny". My goal is to be strong, healthy, confident and LOVE the body I live in.
I'm still me, I LOVE cheese and wine and all sorts of other delicious holiday goodies! and I DO actually indulge in them for time to time!
Soooo many people are going to use this time of year as an EXCUSE to let their goals slide. They say, OH i'll start after the Holidays, oh I have a christmas party coming up, oh I have too many family get togethers BLAH BLAH BLAH...BUT, It seriously feels like POO when the Holidays are over and all your feel is tight clothes, low energy, and disappointed you aren't 10 pounders lighter instead of 10 pounds heavier...
THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE ME. I am ALL IN with my fitness & ALL IN with my business!
Let me tell you about what is going to matter next year...if you hate your body, I am going to tell you right now → that hate is radiating into ALL other areas of your life! When you LOVE yourself → all other areas of your life are SO much better! Why not feel GOOD about yourself over the holidays!?
If you want to feel better…..step up and let’s do this!
Let’s do this together!
My passion is helping YOU get to where you feel amazing about yourself..I struggled for a VERY long time feeling the same way you might be feeling right now, BUT i figured out a way to work past that and BE HAPPY, EXCITED, ENERGETIC and all around a MUCH more pleasant person!
YOUR JOURNEY STARTS TODAY....ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS feel free to reach out to me if you aren't quite sure where to start!

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Parmesan Greek Yogurt Crusted Chicken

This chicken recipe is SUPER easy to make, and a big family favourite in our house!  Toddler, hubby and 21 day fix approved.  The topping is delicious and keep the chicken really moist.  This chicken goes really well with oven roasted baby potatoes and green beans.  The leftovers are great too.


4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup Freshly grated parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt
1 tsp Garlic powder (i use minced garlic)
1/2 ground pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. 
2. Combine yogurt, Parmesan cheese, and seasonings. 
3. Spread over chicken breasts. Bake for 45 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through and topping is browned. Serve immediately.

One chicken breast:
1.5 red (chicken and yogurt)
1/3 blue container (cheese)


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Inferno New Year's Challenge

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Register for the Inferno Challenge 
Are you ready to completely transform your body in just 21 days? Do you have trouble sticking to a fitness program longer than 3 weeks? Are you tired of counting calories, carbs & points? Wouldn't life be AMAZING if somebody gave you some containers and said fill these up with whatever you want, follow this exact 30 minute at home workout routine and you will lose weight! And you don't even have to leave your house!? Let's do this!!  Give me 30 minutes of your day and we'll sculpt your body and learn clean eating techniques to take you well beyond the 3 week challenge. "If it's important you will find a way.. if not you'll find an excuse." 

You can be anywhere in Canada or the US to join the Inferno Challenge. All workouts are done in the comfort of your own home.. on your own time.. The Challenge Group itself is a VIP Exclusive Facebook group where JUST the people doing the 21 Day Fix Challenge are added. As your coach, I post a daily assignment to keep you plugged in and motivated with your program! We also use the group to share recipes and tips, to motivate and support each other and CELEBRATE! This 'accountability group' will help you stick with the program instead of quit 3 days into it like 4 out of 5 people do. This is the LAST TIME you START OVER!! 
If you would you like to be considered for my Inferno 21 Day FIX Challenge Group, please fill out the application above and I will get back to you!! :) 


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Staying on track over the Holidays

Did you know that the average person gains between 7-10 pounds over the holidays?!  Between the gravy, the baked goods, the hot beverages and the late nights we are bombarded with goal sabotaging decisions.  Not to mention most of us in colder climates are hiding our new layer of fat behind bulky sweaters and tights.
Considering all of that, it’s no shock that the average American consumes about 4,500 calories and up to 229 grams of fat at Christmas dinner!! So, how can you stop yourself from gaining more than a pound in a day? Here are 10 tips for this holiday season to help you enjoy and stay on track!
1. Kick your day. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.  Not only is this important within one hour of waking up to really boost your metabolism BUT it will also help curb your cravings throughout the day.  It will help with those noon hunger signals that lead to dipping your hand in the Christmas baking jar.  For clean eating ideas: Click here.
2. Don’t go overboard on appetizers. 'Tis the season of parties!!   AND appies.  It’s easy to consume 1,500 calories before the main course even hits the table. Instead of skipping the baked brie altogether, fill most of your plate with vegetables and healthier choices, then leave just a little room for a taste of the indulgent snack. An average serving of dip or cheese is one ounce, roughly the size of your two thumbs.
3. Move your body!   Make sure you are working out every single day throughout the holidays! Not only will this help burn off the extra calories from last nights Christmas get together but it will also help you focus.  Exercise can help you make much better choices with your eating throughout the day, boost your mood, and help you stay calm during the holiday hussle.
4. Enjoy your favorites. One of the best things about the holidays are the memories and traditions. Don’t limit yourself from enjoying your favorite dishes, but only have a small scoop of those that are less healthy. According to Brian Wansink, PhD, Director of the Food and Brand Lab at the University of Illinois, it only takes four bites for your nostalgia of a food to reach its peak.
5. Get lots of rest. Between parties, shopping for gifts and family get-togethers, the holidays can leave you really stretched for time and sleep.  But making sure you are getting enough sleep is important for kicking off the New Year on the right foot.  Getting enough sleep helps you boost energy for your workouts and wards of weight gain.  Its also helps keep stress levels down and keep the cravings away.  A quick nap between 1pm-4pm will help if you are really busy in the evenings and will be up a little later.
6. Consider hosting. If you are at your own home or venue, you are in full control.  You can prepare healthy appetizers and main course. Going to someone else’s home? Bring a healthy side dish of your own! They’ll appreciate it way more than the gift of cellulite.
7. Limit your alcohol. Limit yourself to one drink before or during dinner and one drink after dinner. Drinking too much alcohol can increase your craving for salt and may set you up to eat 30% more than you intended. Get drunk at dinner and all your inhibitions will be down by the time dessert comes. Not to mention you will feel better about yourself in the morning, create a positive cycle where you want to rise, workout and eat right
8. Forgive yourself. Did you read this and still overdo it? Don’t keep slipping down the slope. Get up and get moving!  Start the process all over again with a good sweat and a great breakfast!  If you wake up to a flat tire, do you fix the tire or do you slash the other 3??
9. Remember your goals.  We all have those goals to fit into that sexy black dress for New Years....REMEMBER THAT when you go for the second helping of mashed potatoes.  YOU and only you are in control of your progress, results and how you feel. MAKE YOURSELF PROUD!

Need a Gameplan??  Click here for more info about the Inferno Holiday Challenge


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Become a Beachbody Coach: JOIN THE BRIGADE!

Become a Beachbody Coach

It's that time again! Apprenticeship Training time!!! **Only 10 spots available**
I LOVEEEE this training! I get so excited everything I get to connect with all the like minded people! I made a decision to create FINANCIAL FREEDOM, ownership over my future, the courage to start dreaming again & the sisterhood that has made me more loving, positive, courageous, fun & determined! YOUR TURN!
Less than 2 years ago I was a new momma...about 40 lbs overweight...completely stressed out and home, living in my parents basement, no job and my now hubby in school full time & TRAPPED! No savings, no safety net...just a whole lotta stress and constant worry.
Beachbody gave me my freedom, and SOOO much more! It's afforded me a pretty incredible life for me and my family, a positive outlook one a once not-so-promising life, AMAZING relationships and a very exciting future. It gives me goosebumps thinking about how I will be able to give Colton, myself and Brodilynn the life we dream of, the life my family deserves.
Wanna know what drives me to keep pushing every day??? My MOTIVATION is to pay it forward and share this blessing with others who are struggling just like I was.
I didn't have the skills or the knowledge to be a business owner and had NO idea about fitness...but I did have
-A desire to do MORE with my life
I STRONGLY believe this opportunity has been placed in my life so that I can share it with other women. 
I am confident that I can teach you EXACTLY what I have done to build my business...and actually teach you how to SURPASS my success!
You don’t have to have all of the pieces to be successful. It takes a special kind of person who is willing to take risks & learn as they go!
This business...the opportunity to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, is NOT for everyone
If you….
- know deep down you were meant for something greater...
- want to create independence & freedom for you & your family BUT also feel a calling to give back and help others!
- Want to live by DESIGN: Be your own boss- work when you want, where you want doing what you LOVE!
- COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices if it meant spending the rest of their life enjoying long-term success! 
If you are reading this & you hear that little voice….and your gut is telling you to GO FOR IT...I want to to hear from you! Listen to that little voice...ITS ALWAYS RIGHT!

To Apply to be a part of the movement, Please complete the form below!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


Is Shakeology Gluten Free?

If you are looking for a healthy meal replacement or supplement and have a gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease, it VERY important to ask : Is Shakeology Gluten Free?  If these conditions apply to you and you are NOT following a gluten-free diet you may experience side effects such as bloating, diarrhea, and severe abdominal cramping.  GOOD NEWS: Shakeology is Gluten-Free!


Let's take a closer look at celiac disease and gluten intolerance to understand why your meal replacement/supplement shakes MUST be gluten free.

Celiac Disease

People with celiac disease are at high risk for malnutrition. Normally, the body's immune system is designed to protect it from foreign invaders. When people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system forms antibodies to gluten which then attack the intestinal lining. This causes inflammation in the intestines and damages the villi, the hair-like structures on the lining of the small intestine. Nutrients from food are normally absorbed by the villi. If the villi are damaged, the person cannot absorb nutrients properly and ends up malnourished, no matter how much he or she eats.  Eating a dense nutrient supplement that is gluten free not only protects the body from flare ups but also helps renourish the body!  A properly nourished body will perform optimally.

Gluten Allergies

People with gluten sensitivities are not subjected to life threatening symptoms like those with Celiac Disease.  However, like those with Celiac's, they may experience many similar symptoms such as bloating, cramping, itchiness and congestion.  For these people, it is still highly recommended you follow a gluten free diet then slowly start adding back certain foods containing gluten as all sensitivities are different.  

Shakeology DOES contain wheatgrass, barley and Kamut, however, these ingredients are harvested before the grass matures and produces grain (when gluten forms).  Beachbody takes very close care to ensure all ingredients are of high integrity and are processed in such a way to make it Gluten-Free. Celiac's should take caution when starting any new supplement and ease your body into it (maybe starting with half a shake daily)

As with any condition and nutrient supplements, ALWAYS consult with your physician.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

21 Day Fix Holiday Challenge!

Are you ready to completely transform your body in just 21 days? Do you have trouble sticking to a fitness program longer than 3 weeks? Are you tired of counting calories, carbs & points? Wouldn't life be AMAZING if somebody gave you some containers and said fill these up with whatever you want, follow this exact 30 minute at home workout routine and you will lose weight! And you don't even have to leave your house!? Let's do this!!  Give me 30 minutes of your day and we'll sculpt your body and learn clean eating techniques to take you well beyond the 3 week challenge. "If it's important you will find a way.. if not you'll find an excuse." 

You can be anywhere in Canada or the US to join the Inferno Challenge. All workouts are done in the comfort of your own home.. on your own time.. The Challenge Group itself is a VIP Exclusive Facebook group where JUST the people doing the 21 Day Fix Challenge are added. As your coach, I post a daily assignment to keep you plugged in and motivated with your program! We also use the group to share recipes and tips, to motivate and support each other and CELEBRATE! This 'accountability group' will help you stick with the program instead of quit 3 days into it like 4 out of 5 people do. This is the LAST TIME you START OVER!! 

If you would you like to be considered for my Inferno 21 Day FIX Challenge Group, please fill out the application below and I will get back to you!! :) 

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Cinnamon Bun Shakeology

I am such a huge fan of sweet treats! Cinnamon Buns are totally one of my biggest weaknesses!

Cinnamon Bun Shakeology
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 water...
1tbsp graham cracker (I used whole wheat ones)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 scoop or packet Vanilla Shakeology

4-6 icecubes


~Don't have Shakeology?  Get some HERE!

Never Give Up - My Story

I want to share something with you. Something truly from my heart.

Yesterday while I was packing I found my bible I have had since I was little. The Christmas I got this I put a $10 bill in the bible and said I would keep it until I could give the bible to my kids. I believed God would always take care of my family and I.

I grew up very fortunate, my parents always made sure we had everything... we could ever want. I was able to DREAM BIG and seen this perfect life ahead of me. I grew up not knowing what it felt like to struggle or worry about money. BUT, I had a MASSIVE reality check a few years ago when EVERYTHING changed for my family. Losing EVERYTHING when you have worked so hard to create your dream life is heartbreaking to watch your family go through. After my dad got sick I had moved back home to help make sure everyone was as well taken care of as possible and to help financially (no point in having 2 homes!). Not long after Colton and I had a new baby, were living in my parents concrete basement. He was working 12 hour shifts on the weekend making less than $15 an hour while going to school full time to try and save up enough money to move out of my parents basement that had sold. We managed to find a roof to put over out head, a place that was mold infested and should NOT have had anyone (let alone my new baby) living in it...we had no other choice. I was 22 years old and I felt life my entire life had crumbled before me before it had even started.

GOD HAD FORGOTTEN ME. I was alone and scared out of my mind. Childhood dreams gone, my family hurting, my dreams of giving my beautiful little baby and my amazing husband a wonderful was fading away...the $10 I had saved my whole life in my bible, I had to dig it out of my closet just so I could buy groceries. I sat on my floor in my bedroom and cried, soooo mad. This is a moment in my life I will never forget and I never told anyone because I was far to embarrassed and scared of being judged.

One day, 2 years ago, this opportunity fell into my lap. There was something about it (that little voice I hadn't heard in a VERY long time). I sold mine and my baby's clothes to take back control of the one thing I had left, my health. I invested in myself and THANK GOD I did! I never would have dreamed in a million years I would end up in the top 150 of a billion dollar organization surrounded by the most amazing people I could have ever asked to come into my life.

Fast forward 2 years, Today I put "double my money" back into that same bible and packed it away for good. I did this because for once in my life I feel like I am in complete control and I owed it to that little girl who once dreamed so big. GOD is right here with me! As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected I was actually being redirected to something BIG! In 2 years I have been given the ability to live my life my design. We will never have to worry again, I will be able to give Brodilynn and amazing life she deserves.

**From your darkest moments will come the brightest light** I am sharing this with you today because maybe you or someone you know is in that same position I was, feeling like God has forgotten about you or you feel very alone. I am here to tell you that I know EXACTLY how that feels and that there is always a purpose, His purpose. Don't stop praying on it! NEVER GIVE UP!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Best Vegetarian Chili


It's officially comfort food season! This will always be my weakness.  I LOVE comfort food!  Unfortunately, most comfort foods aren't exactly the most friendly on your waistline.  BUT, good news for you! I am going to start posting my comfort foods made skinny!  Today's lunch:

Best Vegetarian Chili
1 tsp coconut oil
2 onions
1 green pepper
3 garlic cloves
2 cans no salt added stewed tomatoes, drained
1 can black beans
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1tbsp Chili powder
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1/4 tsp chipotle or cayenne
1 cup frozen corn
(I topped with a glob of plain low fat greek yougurt)
1. Heat oil in large saucepan and add onions, green peppers, and garlic.
2. Add cumin, Chili powder, salt and cayenne. Cook 1 min.
3.Stir in beans and tomatoes.
4. Let simmer and cook down for 20-30 minutes.
*makes 4 servings*
Inferno Tips:
  • Add ground 1.5 pounds ground turkey or chicken for more protein!
  •  Make extra and freeze in baggies for meal prep!
*21 Day Fixers* one serving is 1.5 green, 1 yellow, 1 red (if turkey added)
Body Beast (3 vegetable,1 legume, 1/2 starch) per 1.5 cups of Chili...if added turkey (5 protein)


Monday, October 6, 2014

Broccoli & Cheddar Stuffed Chicken

broccoli and cheddar stuffed chicken
Who doesn't love stuffed chicken breast??  These Cheddar Broccoli Stuffed Chicken Breasts were a huge hit for the whole family, even the picky 2 year old!  I remember when I was little LOVING those frozen stuff chicken breasts but I'm positive they aren't good for you! Here is a quick, healthy solution for you!  They also make wicked leftovers!

Broccoli Cheddar Stuffed Chicken Breasts
4 Chicken Breasts (mine were quite small)
1 1/3 cup shredded cheddar (I threw in some mozzerella I had also)
2 cup frozen broccoli (or steamed fresh)
1/4 tsp both Himalayan Salt & pepper
1/2 tsp each minced garlic, onion powder, and cayenne
3/4 cup cottage cheese


Preheat oven to 350 F.  Chop your steamed or thawed broccoli into small pieces and set aside.
Take your chicken breast, place on wax paper and place saran wrap over the chicken.  Flatten with mallet until about 1/2 inch or thinner.
In a bowl, mix together shredded cheese, cottage cheese, spices and broccoli.  Section the mixture into 4 equal part and make each section into a loose ball with your hands.  Place the ball in the center of the chicken breast and roll the chicken breast around the mixture, tucking in the ends so all of your cheesy goodness doesn't escape!  Place the opening side of the chicken down to keep it secured while cooking.
Place all 4 stuffed chicken breasts onto a cooking sprayed, tin foiled baking sheet.  I sprinkled the top of mine with Seasoned Herb Medley or Mrs. Dash but any non salt seasoning would be great!
Place the chicken breasts into the oven for 25-30 minutes.

**21 Day Fixers** 
Each chicken breast is 1 1/2 red container, one blue container, and 1/2 a green container.


Monday, September 29, 2014

How to make Kombucha Tea

how to brew kombucha
How To Brew Kombucha
After reading abut all the amazing benefits of Kombucha Tea, I needed to add it to my daily routine!  At $6 a bottle from health food stores, I really didn't want to budget this in when I knew I could brew it from home!  It was actually a lot easier than I had expected.

This was my first time making a batch and it turned out AMAZING! Here is what I did:

Materials Needed:
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 4 liters of water
  • 4-6 teabags or teaspoons tied in cheesecloth (I personally used red rose for this batch)
  • a mother SCOBY/mushroom
*this is a ratio of ingredients, you may need to adjust according to the vessel you are using to brew the tea*
  • A piece of light cotton (freshly laundered) or a piece of paper towel
  • 10 L stainless steel or glass pot (never aluminum)
  • glass, wooden or stainless steel spoon

Brewing Your Kombucha Tea:

Put water into the pot, add sugar and bring to boil.  Boil for 3 minutes.  Add the tea and boil for a further 2-3 minutes (this is kill any mold spores that may be present in the teabags).  Turn off the stove and steep for another 10-15 minutes,  Remove the teabags.  Let the tea cool to the touch (I left my covered overnight) (35 to 45 degrees C).  Pour the steeped tea into you vessel.  Add the other SCOBY and the 12oz of mother tea into the brewed tea.

Use the cotton cloth or paper towel to cover the top of your vessel.  Place the covered brew into a
quiet area with good air ventilation, and a warm temperature (23-28 degrees C). 
The brewing process will take 7-10 days all depending on the preference of your tartness (I preferred it after 10 days)
Once you have found a quiet place for your kombucha to brew, do not move it! this can disturb the fermentation process.
Never put your SCOBY into hot tea, it will kill the culture.
CARE should be taken when brewing to prevent contamination (this will ruin the entire batch).  Clean your hands with vinegar, clean utensils with vinegar, keep your brewing area clean.
Harvesting Your Tea and Culture
You're ready to harvest your new "baby" SCOBY and do a second fermentation of your beverage!  This part is EXCITING!
Remove the cotton from your vessel.  You will notice that you now have 2 cultures, the mother and a new one that has formed on top (this sort of resembles the cold fat when you refrigerate gravy).  These can be separated and the baby SCOBY can be stored in a jar or baggy with 12-24oz of the brewed tea and refridgerated.
You can stain your brewed tea through cheese cloth or a strainer to remove some of the accumulated culture.  Pour into a glass measuring cup and transfer into flip top bottles (like the ones I used below, I found mine at a local brewing company).  Make sure to leave enough starter tea for your new batch of kombucha (12-24 oz).  Then mother will continue to sprout babies while in the keg.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Jalapeno Popper Turkey Burgers

Want a hubby approved burger without the BORING but still keeping it healthy??  Here it is!  These are so easy to make and are delicious!

Jalapeno Popper Turkey Burger

1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 medium egg white
1.5 tsp. Italian spice
1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp. Chipotle spice
1 tsp minced garlic
1/4 tsp both Himalayan salt and pepper
1/2 cup whole wheat panko crumbs

1/2 cup Tofutti Cream Cheese (or any whole fat variety)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp. diced white onion
2 tbsp. chopped jalapeno
1/4 cup parmesan cheese


Fire up your grill or grill pan over medium heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray.  Combine all ingredients in the burger list in one bowl and mix well, using your hands to mix all the spices together.  In another bowl, combine all of the stuffing ingredients and blend well.
Place a sheet or parchment or wax paper over your counter.  Divide your turkey into 8 equal parts (1/4 cup each) and place onto the wax paper.  Flatten them all out quite thin.  Spread the stuffing mixture over 4 of the patties.  Lift the 4 remaining patties off of the wax paper and place over the cream cheese patty.  Using your fingers, lightly press the top patty outwards to meet the edge of the bottom patty and bring the 2 edges together.  Pinch the two edges together so all of your stuffing doesn't leak out when cooking.
Grill the patties for 5 minutes each side.

I served mine over Multigrain cheese buns with greek salad!

**21 day fixers** 1 yellow container for the bun, one blue container for the stuffing mixture, 1 red container for the turkey! ---->cream cheese isn't your TOP choice for the fix so I would recommend using this as more of a treat meal!

350 calories, 16 g fat, 31 carbs, 32 protein

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September Inferno Challenge

21 day fix challenge

Gosh I totally LOVE September! I always feel so motivated to get back into the swing of things, Summer really takes a toll on the ol' bod.  I can't wait for this group to start!

Ladies...does the idea of completely TONING & TIGHTENING your LEGS, BOOTY and & TUMMY, while learning proper nutrition using a very simple portion control system (yes, I will include chocolate and wine!) to KEEP the weight off and short 30 minute workouts a day interest you??? OF COURSE IT DOES!!!

The Inferno Challenge is designed to help you lose 10-15 pounds in 21 days! Super easy, straight forward, personalize to your individual needs....FAIL PROOF with LONG LASTING RESULTS!

What does it entail?

            • short, easy to follow home workouts every day you do right from the comfort of your own living room.  These workouts are perfect for ALL fitness levels!
            • a specialize meal plan that teaches you HOW to eat, no dieting here!  You eat all the foods you love and can skip the ones you don't.  It includes color coded portion control containers, basically you eat what you want as long as it fits into your containers!  Simple enough right?
            • SUPPORT!  This is by far the MOST important part of the challenge.  You will be given free access to your very own customizable website where you can find workout buddies, log your workouts, track your progress, celebrity workout tips, meal ideas...the list goes on and on
            • THE CHALLENGE GROUP!  I will post a daily assignment in a VIP Exclusive group on facebook to keep you plugged in and motivated with your program.  We also use this group as a community to share recipes, tips and CELEBRATE!  You also have ME, your FREE coach! I will be with you, pushing you, every step of the way!  We are in this together.
      To apply for the Inferno Challenge:

      Fill out my online form.
      HTML Forms powered by Wufoo

      For my personal results and review on this program, click here.


      Friday, August 29, 2014

      Coconut Heaven Energy Balls

      Coconut Heaven Energy Bites. They REALLY are a little bit of heaven!!  They are super healthy, full of coconut and coconut oil, with healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, and protein.  These make a wonderful high healthy fat snack!  Anyone else LOVE coconut??

      ⅔ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
      1 ½ tsp. non-dairy milk (I used almond milk)
      2 Tbsp. coconut butter
      1 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil
      1 Tbsp. agave nectar or raw honey


      Mix the almond milk and shredded coconut to moisten the coconut a little. The texture will be a bit crumbly, do not use more milk, or the truffles will get soggy! Then add the agave nectar and mix.
      Put the coconut butter and coconut oil in a little bowl and soften in a hot water-bath; or if you are lucky and have a microwave, just warm it up in there.
      Warming the mixture is enough. Really heating the coconut butter would lessen it´s nutritional value.
      Then simply mix with the shredded-coconut-mixture and form into bite sized balls. And you are done!

      21 Day Fixers:
      2 balls- 1 orange container (3 times a week *treat*)

      Thursday, August 28, 2014

      Team Beachbody Canada officially launched!

      beachbody canada launch

      Wanna know why I didn't sleep a stitch last night and can't sit still this morning?  This just got REAL! That's why...Beachbody has OFFICIALLY launched here in Canada! I know, your like "what are you talking about? You have been a coach ...for a year and a half??" Well...for the past 22 months we have been in a "pre-launch". Our team worked our butts off, laid the foundation, made all the beginners mistakes and prepped like CRAZY for TODAY! We have created a family, a vision, a gameplan and BIG things are about to happen! The LONG wait is finally over! I am sooo happy to introduce to you, TEAM BEACHBODY CANADA, LLC!!

      What does this mean? Every single Thursday our cheques are directly deposited into our bank accounts, and our much loved products like P90X, 21 Day fix, Insanity, Turbofire, SHAKEOLOGY and many others are officially APPROVED by Health Canada and the Canadian Government (something to be proud of, they are damn sticky up here!)

      Honestly though, that's not what is important to me...what's important is the SOLIDITY. We are absolutely here to stay! The company who is closing in one a BILLION DOLLARS in yearly sales in officially GROUNDED into Canada. Our coaches are legit, we WILL create financial freedom in MANY lives in Canada, help those we care about the most create their very own life of design..and ALOT easier than we did haha, we had to work out all the kinks to get here!

      I want to THANK my team from the VERY bottom of my heart for sticking it out with me! Thank you for not laughing and throwing in the towel at the many failed ideas, plans and attempts...thank you for failing FORWARD with me! Thank you for being there when I was scared, when I was frustrated and most importantly thank you for being my family I CELEBRATE with! Thank you for BELIEVING in me, its what has kept me pushing forward, day after day, to build the AMAZING Brigade we have today. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

       HERE WE GO TEAM! Fire in my belly, Dream in my heart...WE GOT THIS!

      Want to join the movement??
      Fill out my online form.
      Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

      Friday, August 22, 2014

      My 3 Day Refresh Review, Results and Meal Plan

      3 day refresh results

      My 3 Day Refresh Review, Results and Meal Plan

      Here it is!!  So when I was down in Vegas my team challenged me to this 3 Day Detox that got launched.  When we went to Vegas I seriously stopped at nothing lol, I drank mojitos and slushie drinks, I ate food court, pasta and pizza and I really didn't sleep much! I NEEDED a good cleaning after all the "fun stuff" lol

      While we were there we launched a BRAND NEW DETOX PROGRAM!!! The **3 Day Refresh** This is NOT a juice cleanse, not a starvation diet, not a crazy soup/lemon/cayenne thing....I ATE REAL FOOD! If you want to keep your metabolism HIGH and burning fat, you NEED food! I ate a variety of fruits, veggies and healthy fats along with protein shakes, shakeology and a fiber drink...EASY. The cool thing about this detox is its not only riding the body of harmful TOXINS and releasing the fat cells BUT its teaching you how to EAT. It teaches you how to feed your body and YES I will be adding the recipes to our regular meal plans.

      I got a bit of a headache Day 1, this is normal when detoxing.  A cool cloth on the back of my neck really helped.  Day 2 was a breeze, I even did a bit of PiYo and felt amazing.  Day 3 I was a little tired and started to get pretty hungry but I was REALLY excited to see my results!

      So here they are!
      I lost 5 pounds and 3.5 inches!  I feel more focused, my digestion is better, my bloat is gone and I am sleeping amazing!

      Here is the results for the other 2 coaches...


      Thursday, August 21, 2014

      7 Day Clean Eating Challenge

      clean eating

      TRUTH: Clean Eating is 80% of your success!  And another truth I have discovered along my's probably the hardest part to figure out!

      I wanted to offer a FREE group for clean eating because I think if we can all find a super simple, laid out way to start our journey we are more likely to succeed in our long term goals!

      Who wants to join me for a 7 day Clean Eating challenge!? It’s totally FREE! Just a fun way for me to reach out to all of my facebook friends and offer you some knowledge and support!

      results before and after

      ➫You’ll learn the primary principles of Clean Eating
      ➫You’ll get a sample grocery list and some clean eating recipes
      ➫You’ll get a daily assignment to help you stay on track and focused for the full 7 days

      The entire challenge will take place in a private group on Facebook!

      Wanna join us?? The challenge kicks off Monday, August 25!!

      Fill out my online form.
      Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.


      Friday, August 15, 2014

      Coconut Curry Chicken Soup

      coconut curry chicken soup

      I was feeling a little under the weather today with a bit of a cold coming on.  It was also raining and a PERFECT day for a spicy soup.  My favorite soup is Coconut Chicken Curry soup but its always packed full of calories, sugar and chemical additives.  I decided to give it a go! I will definitely be making this again!  Now only if my husband loved curry as much as I do!

      Coconut Chicken Curry Soup                        
      1 tablespoon coconut oil                               
      1/4 cup thinly sliced shallots                               
      2.5 teaspoons red curry paste                               
      3 teaspoons curry powder
      1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
      1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
      2 garlic cloves, minced
      6 cups low-sodium chicken broth
      3 cups fresh spinach leaves                               
      1/2 pound snow peas, trimmed and cut in half crosswise       

      1 (13.5-ounce) can light coconut milk                               
      2 1/2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast (about 1 pound)   
      1/2 C. chopped green onions
      1 Tbsp Powder Stevia (truvia)
      2 Tbsp Fish Sauce
      1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
      1/2 tsp himilayan salt
      1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro (optional)             

      Heat coconut oil in pan over medium-high heat.
      Add shallots and the next 5 ingredients (through garlic) to pot; sauté 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add chicken broth to pot, and bring to a boil.
      Add coconut milk to pan; reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes.
      Add chicken, onions, stevia, and fish sauce to pot; cook for 2 minutes.
      Stir in cilantro and chiles. Serve with lime wedges.
      1 cup serving:
      150 calories
      3.5g fat
      15g protein
      15g carb
       *21 Day Fix------fill you green container with soup and count as 1 red and 1 yellow container**

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