That extremely tired momma face that greets the day saying.."don't worry gorgeous, you got this!"
It's moments like this the truly show me how far in this self-love, self-acceptance, personal growth game I've really gotten 🎀
When my house is a mess (and one bedroom in Reno mode), I have 8584 adulting things I have been meaning to do, I haven't had a decent sleep in like 4 days (thanks pregnancy insomnia) and this eye twitch can beat it any day now....
Me, 3 years ago would have had 4 anxiety attacks by now, thrown a complete fit of overwhelmed and probably put myself back to bed. It's a TERRIBLE cycle! Bad habits were so easy to pick back up when I was feeling weak, I LOVED my food crutches, my smoking, that glass or 4 of wine...but truth is, it never really made me feel BETTER!
What does make me feel better is the tools I've learnt along the way in my journey of self-love & finding where my soul becomes alive 💕 I've learnt ways to treat myself with respect & put an end to the self distraction before it starts! Pick yourself up, stand as tall as you can, 3 DEEP breathes, take a shower, throw on a little mascara, pull your shit together & get er done! Take care of the business that's eating your soul but MOST IMPORTANTLY, take care of YOU 😘's been a long, weird, awkward road to finding myself where I need to be! But here's some things I'm 110% sure got me to this place:
✌🏼️Morning workouts <-- they don't have to be long, they don't have to be complicated or use a bunch of equipment that gives you more anxiety than what you started with! Pick something simple, find some support &I DO NOT GIVE UP. Every.Single.Day
✌🏼️Fuel your body properly <-- I'm lazy & hate kale..I use a dense nutrient supplement because it works for me! Don't like gnawing green leaves, it'll work for you too. But whatever your route, give your body what it me, if your depriving it of essential nutrients it NEEDS to thrive, it will HATE YOU. <-- when you body hates you, it will act like a bad 5 year old and throw fits. Welcoming illness, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalance, get it!
✌🏼️Breathe Deeply! NEVER underestimate the power of deep breathe! Bring it in for 5, hold for 5, out for 5, hold for 5...5 times! <--- try it and tell me you still want to jump off the roof of your house 😉
✌🏼️Hug Someone...true story. Cuddle someone, kiss releases endorphines <-- they are free and feel so so good 💕 yes, your insane little white dog counts 🐶
YOU'RE STRONG! The human body is INCREDIBLE! Your mindset is more powerful than your imagine! So tackle the first couple of items for your Body & Soul. Then look like the mirror and repeat "I am a Bad Ass Bitch. No one will EVER do ME better than ME and not shining to my full potential today would rob the world of everything I am and everything I aspire to be! I WILL SHINE TODAY!" ✌🏼️⭐️☀️ <--- you got this 😘