Wednesday, May 28, 2014

HOT YOGA: 7 Tips for the Beginner

beginner bikram hot yoga

Tips for your first time at Hot Yoga!

I went to my very first Bikram Hot Yoga class a few months ago and was instantly addicted!  There is just something about sweating that much that I completely fell in love with.  Although my first experience was wonderful, I was so scared to even give it a try.  It took me a very long time to finally take the plunge and go to a class.  I put together a short list of tips for your first Hot Yoga class to ensure you are comfortable and don't totally stick out!

1.  HYDRATE:  Seriously guys, you SWEAT.  A TON.  You are losing water like crazy so will want to be sure to replenish.  Take at least 1 litre of water with you to class.  Drink a little more water than usual throughout the day if you are planning on going to an evening class.  Keep drinking lots of water after class. (I really love Results & Recovery after my class!)

2. TOWELS: You will need a small hand towel for wiping the sweat off your face and body and a large beach size towel to lay over your yoga mat.  When you really start to sweat your mat can become super slippery, the beach towel adds a little extra grip.  If you are going to be going to several classes, you might want to invest in a yoga mat towel made specifically to fit over the mat.

3.  CLOTHING:  Less is more!!  There really is a time and place for modesty and Hot Yoga is neither the time or place.  Don't wear pants.  Snug fitting shorts, a sports bra and an optional shirt is great for the ladies.  Guys, Yoga shorts or swim shorts are great.  This is NOT the time to worry about the way you look or what you are wearing.  No one is looking at you in class, they are there for the same reason as you; to get a killer workout.  A change of clothes for after is always nice unless you are ok wearing a soaking wet bra and underwear to work.

4. EATING:  Try not to eat 2-3 before your class. The heat of the room added to being upside down and in different positions can leave you nauseous to begin with...adding food to the mix is not a great idea.  If you must eat prior, a light snack is recommended.

5.  ARRIVE EARLY:  You want to make sure you get to class at least 30 minutes prior to start.  This will give you time to fill out the necessary paperwork, get a good spot in the room and allow your body to adjust to the temp.  Don't forget to let your instructor know prior to class that you are new to Hot Yoga.  There is often time before class where the instructor can go over some "newbie" tips with you.  Lay your mat out, lay your big towel over the yoga mat, put your water and your face towel beside you, and lay on your back, close your eyes and ENJOY!  Listen to the silence, allow your body to adjust and let your mind go free. This was my favorite part as it really is the only place I ever get to just be with me and my thoughts.

6.  BASIC ETIQUETTE:  When entering the Hot Studio, keep sound to a minimum.  If you must talk, keep it at a very low whisper.  Do not wear perfume, strong smelling lotions, please wear deodorant!  Some that smells pleasant to you may not smell the same to the person next to you and when it gets really hot the smell intensifies.  Once you have entered, try your best not to leave.  Not only does this disrupt others and let the heat out but it also allow your body temperature to drop.

7.  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY:  This is YOUR practice.  Do only what feels comfortable.  Listen to your body.  If you do start to feel nauseous or faint, sit down on your mat with eyes open and take a full deep breathes.  Return to your practice whenever you feel comfortable.  Remember, you will not be able to do the same movements as the person next to you, every body is different.  The point is to do YOUR personal best, this is not a competition.  Also, you don't have to be in shape to start this class!  There is people of all fitness levels attending.  Don't be afraid to ask (quietly) for assistance, that's what they are there for. 

Bottom line, GO TRY IT!!  Have fun, keep it light, enjoy yourself.  No one is watching you.  Remember, every single person in that room had their first Bikram Yoga experience...even the people up at the front rocking it.

1 comment

  1. Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this! yoga shorts women


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