Friday, October 10, 2014

Never Give Up - My Story

I want to share something with you. Something truly from my heart.

Yesterday while I was packing I found my bible I have had since I was little. The Christmas I got this I put a $10 bill in the bible and said I would keep it until I could give the bible to my kids. I believed God would always take care of my family and I.

I grew up very fortunate, my parents always made sure we had everything... we could ever want. I was able to DREAM BIG and seen this perfect life ahead of me. I grew up not knowing what it felt like to struggle or worry about money. BUT, I had a MASSIVE reality check a few years ago when EVERYTHING changed for my family. Losing EVERYTHING when you have worked so hard to create your dream life is heartbreaking to watch your family go through. After my dad got sick I had moved back home to help make sure everyone was as well taken care of as possible and to help financially (no point in having 2 homes!). Not long after Colton and I had a new baby, were living in my parents concrete basement. He was working 12 hour shifts on the weekend making less than $15 an hour while going to school full time to try and save up enough money to move out of my parents basement that had sold. We managed to find a roof to put over out head, a place that was mold infested and should NOT have had anyone (let alone my new baby) living in it...we had no other choice. I was 22 years old and I felt life my entire life had crumbled before me before it had even started.

GOD HAD FORGOTTEN ME. I was alone and scared out of my mind. Childhood dreams gone, my family hurting, my dreams of giving my beautiful little baby and my amazing husband a wonderful was fading away...the $10 I had saved my whole life in my bible, I had to dig it out of my closet just so I could buy groceries. I sat on my floor in my bedroom and cried, soooo mad. This is a moment in my life I will never forget and I never told anyone because I was far to embarrassed and scared of being judged.

One day, 2 years ago, this opportunity fell into my lap. There was something about it (that little voice I hadn't heard in a VERY long time). I sold mine and my baby's clothes to take back control of the one thing I had left, my health. I invested in myself and THANK GOD I did! I never would have dreamed in a million years I would end up in the top 150 of a billion dollar organization surrounded by the most amazing people I could have ever asked to come into my life.

Fast forward 2 years, Today I put "double my money" back into that same bible and packed it away for good. I did this because for once in my life I feel like I am in complete control and I owed it to that little girl who once dreamed so big. GOD is right here with me! As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected I was actually being redirected to something BIG! In 2 years I have been given the ability to live my life my design. We will never have to worry again, I will be able to give Brodilynn and amazing life she deserves.

**From your darkest moments will come the brightest light** I am sharing this with you today because maybe you or someone you know is in that same position I was, feeling like God has forgotten about you or you feel very alone. I am here to tell you that I know EXACTLY how that feels and that there is always a purpose, His purpose. Don't stop praying on it! NEVER GIVE UP!

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