Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Join the Team


I'm looking for women who are READY for GREATNESS!!

I DESPERATELY want other women to have the opportunity that I have been given for freedom.

I am ABSOLUTELY  confident that I can TEACH YOU how to build MASSIVE success with Beachbody

—> which turns into MASSIVE freedom & blessing.

I’m PICKY with who I spend my time with… not because I’m TOO GOOD… but because I am 110% dedicated to helping MY coaches actually SUCCEED in this business.

Beachbody has forever changed my life.

I am a 2014 ELITE Coach TOP 10 Canadian Coach & a current 2015 Top Ten Canadian Coach.
I no longer live paycheck to paycheck.
BRODILYNN has her momma home everyday.
I have set up our FAMILY for success.
I have freedom to build MY family's DREAMS & to HELP others…

I want those same options for everyone I know…seriously...

Beachbody is my VEHICLE.

Beachbody is the most FULFILLING choice I’ve ever made. And it actually has LITTLE to do with the incredible income…. it has everything to do with the KIND of people I work alongside & the people who TRUST me enough to support & encourage them along in their healthy journey.

To invest in OTHER PEOPLE is an incredible responsibility BUT ALSO comes with great reward.

I built to a multiple 6 figure income a year business in 24 months and from there it took off. This is a LEGIT business.

Inferno Brigade is made up of young moms (and dads),  young professionals, families and beyond who CARE about helping other people & who are not afraid of working hard NOW for more freedom LATER. We are committed to LIVING A LIFE by DESIGN!

I’m personally mentoring my BRAND NEW COACHES who join the Inferno Brigade this month!

It’s incredible what can happen with this business & it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to share this with other people…. even the skeptics.

I choose to pay it forward and share this blessing with others who are struggling just like I was.

I didn’t have the skills or the knowledge to be a business owner…but I did have:
-A desire to do MORE with my life
-A desire to have FREEDOM

This business isn’t for the QUALIFIED… its for those who are COACHABLE and not looking for a “Get RICH Quick Scheme!”

It’s for the person who is willing to TAKE RISKS & learn as they go!

You don’t have to be EXACTLY like me but I am looking to connect with women who can RELATE to me because I KNOW that I can lead them effectively and I also know I will ENJOY working with them!

If you….
– KNOW you were meant for something greater…
– WANT to create independence & freedom for you & your family {or future family!} BUT also feel a calling to give back and help others!
– Want to live by DESIGN: Be your own boss- work when you want, where you want doing what you LOVE!
– COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices in order to spend the rest of your life enjoying long-term success!

If you are reading this & you hear that little voice….and your gut is telling you to GO FOR IT…I want to hear from you!

I am accepting applications for brand new 2015 INFERNO BRIGADE Coaches. I will be selecting my new apprentices on September 11th & our training BEGINS on Monday September 14th!

If this is something you have been considering, or KNOW you were meant for more - let's LOCK ARMS and get started!! I CANNOT WAIT to help you build YOUR Brigade!!

Fill out my online form.
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