Sunday, September 6, 2015

Clean Eating Banana Pancakes

Because who doesn't LOVE Sunday breakfast on a Thursday!

And I PROMISE you...if my "diet" didn't include pancakes and chocolate, I wouldn't do it! I'm a realist and I LOVE FOOD...ALOT!

Here's a sneaky thing I do...I make my FAVORITE cheat meals crazy healthy (and not that "Ooo ahhhh, it's delicious 😁"but actually tastes like a paper actually tastes fabulous! So fabulous that my 3 year old ate 2!


1 cup Almond Milk
2 cup Quick Oats
1 ripe Banana
2 eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
Dash Himalayan Salt
1 tsp Baking Powder

Top with a cup of frozen (defrosted and heated) Blueberries! <--Makes a syrup!

Blend everything together and let sit 2 minutes for oatmeal to absorb a bit of liquid.  Grease your pan with either a 1/4 tsp coconut oil or cooking spray.  Spoon 1/4 cup into large pan for each pancake, cook 3 minutes or until edge is bubbly then flip for 3 minutes.

**21 Day Fixers**
2 Pancakes = 1 yellow 1/2 purple (1.5 purples if you use the blueberry syrup)


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