Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fall Into Fitness Inferno Challenge

Fall Into Fitness Challenge


Ok...YES Summer was NUTS! Its was for me too! Travelling, Beach, Camping, Sugary drinks and Beer, BBQs, Late Nights...and along with these the "PERFECT" excuse...its too hot to eat, I'm too busy, kids out of school, out of town...I USED THEM TOO!!! Until you try and fit into your cute skinny jeans and they are TIGHT!

But guess what guys...SUMMER IS COMING TO AN END! And your excuses REALLY need to also!! <---you know I'm right ;) lol

So heres my plan:

30 minutes of workouts a day you can do right from home! These can be based on your currently fitness level, no need to have any experience! EVERYONE has 30 minutes...or i will find you 30 minutes ;)

A SUPER SIMPLE meal plan! <---I am a foodie so cutting cheese and wine is NOT an option, ill include these <3 and i also have a 3 year old to please (i DO NOT make 2 meals!) SOOOO for the meal plans, lets do some family friendly crockpot stuff, some comfort food, and some old favourites!! <---We aren't dieting, i don't diet...we are going to learn how to eat in proper portions and FUEL or bodies!!

Accountability and support is going to come from my VIP Exclusive Challenge Group right here on Facebook! I will post a daily assignment to keep you complete plugged in and motivated! We use this group to give tips and tricks, ask for support and answer questions and CELEBRATE like crazy!! No one gets left behind & no one fails!

NO MORE EXCUSES!!! Its GO TIME! <--- I want to be in killer shape & feel amazing for all the Holiday stuff quickly approaching (think little black dress!!!), DO YOU?!?!

Give me just 30 minutes a day & I can change your life <3 <3

***Spots are limited*** We kick off the group September 28!

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