Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Empower Project

Let me tell you my story how I got to this point...
My entire life I was a subject of self-doubt, self-sabotage, blaming the world for my shitty luck, comparison artist, emotional escape guru and a stimulation junkie...bitter, judgemental, unaccepting of constructive criticism. It took me 3 years to turn my entire life around..ALL THE SOUL SEARCHING, studying, learning, trusting...has lead me to this point & I'm ready to share it with the world!
My Self-Doubt...(i guess goes a lot with the comparison game)..I struggled with ADD as a child which I carried through my teen years and early part of adulthood. I would start something and couldn't finish it. I would have incredible ideas that would stem from my colourful mind but would never act on them either not knowing where to start or knowing i would fail at completing it. <---People like this in society need guidance and structure...not to be told they are spacey or scatterbrained. She is class clown, she is a partier, she is too young to be a good mom, she is obsessive or wonder we don't feel we are worthy.
Self-Sabotage...your legs are too short (thanks for that abercombie), your hair is thin, your fat (ill call it big boned), you aren't a good reader so you just shouldn't try, I am THE BEST at procrastination, I did all of the things I wasn't supposed to...all because it gave me a false sense of control. I had a HUGE enemy within me, the voice 90% of the time louder than my own.
Comparison Game - this is something I will ALWAYS battle, but i have learnt how to detect when I am falling into this & deflect it. She is smarter, she knows things I don't, she is more educated, its her background, genetics, money....ALL BULLSHIT. I AM THE BEST DAMN KC there is...I WILL OWN THAT <--- this took a lot of time to come to.
Emotional Escape Artist - All of the above this make you feel like a train wreck BUT its easy to cover this up. Partying, smoking, drugs, drinking, lying, fake smiling, fit-in game, dreaming but not acting...i got really good at this. This is a mask and fixes nothing. *Insert downward spiral here*
Stimulation Junkie...OK HERES THE PLAN <---i will just cover up everything I am feeling with things that will temporarily draw me away from how I'm feeling! In an out of relationships because new is exciting, hanging with edgy people people because the thrill of being a little shit is exciting, everything in the emotional escape section above...EXCITING! Let me tell you a secret...when you find your calling and something you are so damn passionate about you could cry, it makes you want to get out of bed every morning, its ALOT more exciting than the all the fake stuff.
None of the previous topic control me anymore. I have found a place of complete emotional freedom, complete emotional and mental control. I am a part of the healthiest relationships, friendships and am partnered with the love of my life for all the right reasons. I have learnt to self-love, self-health, self-trust. My self-doubt turned into believing I can do ANYTHING I set my mind to...i have gone on to be the CEO of a multiple 6 figure a year business from home, leading a team of wonderful, empowering women. I have learnt to draw negativity out of my life and attract insanely positive things. I have gone on to speak to thousands of people about these topics...the breakthrough.
I am not stopping there....I KNOW first hand how it feels to feel lost. to KNOW you were meant for so much more. To know there is a world out there waiting for you but you aren't sure where to start (and often feel like its currently working against you).
I want to put my story out there....I want to BE THE CHANGE. I want to share my journey with as many women as possible, being the person they can say "If she did it, I can too!!" I want to spread my passion for EMPOWERING WOMEN as far as I can!
INTRODUCING ***THE EMPOWER PROJECT*** A daily group where I can breadcrumb my experiences, share what I've learnt, teach topics of health, self-love, chasing your dreams and trusting your gut! A place where we can ask questions, learn together, discuss those hard to talk about topics and EMPOWER EACHOTHER! ~Inspiration, Balance, Self-Care~
WE CAN BE THE CHANGE!!!! Request to join the Facebook group ***EMPOWER PROJECT***


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