Friday, March 7, 2014

Why I became a Beachbody Coach

Let me share my personal story with you!
how turbofire changed my life

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I struggled with being in shape and my body image! I woke up every single day hating the person I seen in the mirror.  I was sick all the time, my body hurt, and I was exhausted.

I tried EVERYTHING! I tried the gym numerous times, even with an expensive trainer, I tried very intense shake and cleansing programs, diet programs, diet supplements, drinks and pills, you name it, ALL WITH VERY LITTLE SUCCESS!  Maybe this was due to a lack of support and encouragement, maybe due to a lack of motivation, or maybe because I was trying to do it for all the wrong reasons. I was so discouraged and was accepting the fact it was just my body type.  After I had my daughter last year I knew I needed to try something different. I knew I needed a change! For ME and for HER, I wanted to be a positive role model for her!  I refused to go through life and having her grow up thinking it was ok to not 100% love who you are, and how do you tell someone to love themselves when you can’t stand your own self!

Something happened! I found a way to workout from home and had INCREDIBLE results! In my first 90 days I lost 37 pounds! My energy is THROUGH THE ROOF, I feel a million times better and I am in the best shape of my life even after baby! I was seeing the change I never thought I would!  I got my LIFE back!  Everyday I had something to look forward to and was watching my family transform as I became a better person, the person I always dreamed of.  I can’t say it was easy or always fun, but I can promise one thing, it was the BEST journey I had ever been on.
I knew there were other people out there just like me, needing a change.  Why not me? I wanted to be that change for other people and help them on this same journey I was on.  This was the moment I decided to become a beachbody coach.  How could I not tell everyone about my experience??  It would be a SIN.  In the past year, I have grown a team of coaches, The Inferno Brigade.  This is a group of people just like me.  Wanting to help others on this amazing journey to health and wellness.  Together we are helping to change the lives of so many people! Talk about a blessing!  With this team I have found support and encouragement, a constant motivation, and I know I am doing this “job” for all the RIGHT reasons.
My main goal in this is to inspire others.  I want to help YOU in your journey to health and wellness.  I want to help you get in the best shape of your life.

Are you ready to start your journey to a better YOU?  Join the Inferno Challenge

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