Monday, October 26, 2015

5 Myths about Stretching After Workout

  1. STRETCHING...its the last thing most of us want to do after killing an awesome workout! We are tired, sweaty and the thought of our clothes sticking to us while we sit down to touch our toes sounds gross and time consuming.  Here are a few myths about stretching after your workout!

  1. Myth: Decreases muscle stiffness.  Muscle soreness is caused by tiny little tears made in the muscle fibres, that shit hurts!  By sitting down and stretching you aren't going to prevent the soreness from your muscles being torn up. Truth: the next day when you are feeling tight and sore, you CAN warm up and stretch to elevate some of the tightness!  Yoga stretches the morning after leg day, YES PLEASE!  Stretching also helps improve your range of motion which may also slow the degeneration of the joints. 

  1. Myth: Prevents Injury.  So you got ready to workout, you didn't warm up, you decided to try a move with weights a little heavier than you needed with improper form...yet the stretching is why you got injured?? <--- The main reason people are getting hurt while working out isn't just because they aren't stretching. *these are all important factors* Truth: a flexible muscle is less likely to become injured from a slightly extensive movement. By increasing the range of motion in a particular joint through stretching, you may decrease the resistance on your muscles during various activities.   Verdict:  If you warm up, if you use great form, and your STRETCH, your going to prevent ALOt of injury!

Myth: Stretching a few days a week is plenty.
 We may not want to hit the gym seven days a week, but consistent stretching is key to increasing flexibility, range of motion, and potentially reducing the risk of muscle strain. Its like weight training once a week and expecting chiselled muscles... Truth: Stretching consistently is the best way to reap its benefits.

Myth: Stretching won’t help performance. Dynamic stretching involves movements that jump-start range of motion, making them a great warm-up solution. And like the name suggests, studies show these moves may even help power-up those muscles!  Now I don't know about YOU, but i LOVE me a little extra power for my workouts <3 Truth: Dynamic stretching might give muscles an extra power boost.

Myth: Stretching one muscle group will only relieve strain in that area. Sore in one spot? The source may be another muscle group altogether  . For example...Lower back pain isn’t necessarily from forgetting to stretch that back— the culprit could be tight hip flexor! ( SNEAKY, right?!) stretch one area, and another might benefit, too.

If I don't have you convinced that stretching is JUST as important as your are few more!

  1. Improves posture. Stretching the muscles of the lower back, shoulders and chest will help keep your back in better alignment and improve your posture.  I want to keep my stance strong as I age! 

  1. Helps reduce or manage stress. Well stretched muscles hold less tension and therefore, leave you feeling less stressed. feel me?? Take 10 minute a day for yourself, block out the sound and get yourself some yoga!!

  1. Prepares the body for the stress of exercise. Stretching prior to exercise allows the muscles to loosen up and become resistant to the impact they are about to undergo.  Tight muscles and working out are a recipe for injury. And lets fact it, it doesn't feel good to lunge with weights to increase strength when it feels like your legs are ripping off!

  1. Promotes circulation. Stretching increases blood supply to the muscles and joints which allow for greater nutrient transportation and improves the circulation of blood through the entire body. 

  1. Flexibility is Strength!
  1. This one is a BIGGY for me! think of it this way...muscles are GORGEOUS on men and women, right? But if your strength training and shortening the muscles when you lift weights, you don't give them their length back, they have no room to grow!!!

Myth: Stretching one muscle group will only relieve strain in that area. Sore in one spot? The source may be another muscle group altogether  . For example...Lower back pain isn’t necessarily from forgetting to stretch that back— the culprit could be tight hip flexor! ( SNEAKY, right?!) stretch one area, and another might benefit, too.


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