I have something I want to share with you...I haven't shared this in a LONG time. I get this ALOT...ya but did YOU really get results from those workouts you do? Were you every really overweight?
..or I get, your so fit, why do you workout so much?
..or I get, your so fit, why do you workout so much?
I try to be VERY Open & Honest with you guys about my journey over the past 2 years.
THIS, was NOT EASY! When you struggle with Self-Esteem, Self-Image issues, weight issues, food addiction issues, all on top of struggling with what you THINK your ideal body is the LAST thing you feel like doing is making a TOUGH decision to change. Saying OK, I will draw a line in the sand right here and take each day one at a time, set small goals and STOP DOING THIS TO MYSELF! I tried crash diet after crash diet, shakes, pills, gym with trainer...you name. I would smoke to suppress my appetite so i would gorge myself. <----vicious cycle.
After I had Brodilynn I KNEW something needed to change. I KNEW it was NOT ok to pass my self-hating self-destructive ideas about myself onto her...i was the woman who needed to mold her into a woman who LOVED herself. I needed to BE the change! I needed to break through my addictions, a big one being food.
So here is what I did...NO MORE EXCUSES....your bad genetics, your babies, your lack of support, your lack of motivation..SHITTY EXCUSES. If you want something you need to believe you can have it. Your setback doesn't lie with your pregnancy, your children, your genes, your spouse..they lie with YOU and the crap your telling yourself. NOOO its absolutely not easy...and the first step is the Hardest! But guess what...its worth it. Out of this comes self worth, confidence, the power of knowing you can do ANYTHING and YOUR worth it! <---TRUST ME, this is NOT something KC 2 years ago would have said to you, i gained this.
So here is what i will do....
I am going to host a support group for YOU! I will show you EXACTLY how I changed my life. I will give you the tools you need to live healthy (no diets here...have you seen what I love to eat? HELLO..cheese please!), I will help you start to move. I will help you find your self confidence and give you your life back. <---Im paying it forward. I struggled and I'm here fighting because I don't want YOU to have to struggle!! We are in this together!
I am going to host a support group for YOU! I will show you EXACTLY how I changed my life. I will give you the tools you need to live healthy (no diets here...have you seen what I love to eat? HELLO..cheese please!), I will help you start to move. I will help you find your self confidence and give you your life back. <---Im paying it forward. I struggled and I'm here fighting because I don't want YOU to have to struggle!! We are in this together!
The VIP group is going to start in October! The spots will be limited so I can give you 100% of my time and effort. Together we are going to get you to those goals. I PROMISE. <--All you have to do to say YES, I am READY to take back control of MY life.
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