Monday, March 31, 2014

NEW PiYo - Chalene Johnson Review

PiYo review


PiYo Review
 What is PiYo? jumping, no joint strain, no weights...just carving an extremely lean-sculpted physique.  Inspired by Yoga and Pilates, PiYo uses low impact, high intensity movements using only your  body weight!  Chalene Johnson is a fitness genius when it comes to giving you the body you always dreamed of while keeping the workouts fun and high energy with awesome music. The result? Long, lean, muscles, a high, firm booty, and tight, flat, sexy abs. PiYo will work every single muscle to stabilize, stretch, and strengthen every inch of a body.  The program is 60 days in length with workouts ranging from 25-45 minutes a day.
PiYo Chalene Johnson

Who is PiYo for?
PiYo is designed  to improve strength, flexibility, breathing, and posture. Regardless of your fitness level and goals, PiYo was designed to suit all needs.  Everyone from extreme athletes to people looking to lose 50+ pounds can benefit from this program. Because of the low-impact, gentle nature of the movements in this program, it would be ideal for people with injuries or older people who want to sculpt and tone but whose bodies don't agree with higher impact on the joints. With that said, this program would be amazing for ANYONE who was looking to increase flexibility and strength.

When is Chalene Johnson's PiYo available?
PiYo will be launched at Coach Summit in June 2014!  To be the first to get your hands on a copy of this new program, Get on my EMAIL LIST and I will be sure you are the first to know when it is released!

Will the a Test Group Opportunity for me?
YES!!!  The test group for this program will be formed for the first week of July!  The challenge groups offer added support and community in your new journey to reaching your goals.  To register for the Test Group or the Inferno Challenge Group, CLICK HERE.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

21 Day Fix Results and Meal Plan

Well here it is everyone!  My official 21 Day Fix results!

First off, let me mention how much I LOVE this program!  I have always struggled with the nutrition side of things and getting the eating right.  The 21 Day Fix made this a no-brainer for me.  I was eating everything I loved and was full all the time.  I was really surprised how much healthy food I was overeating before!

21 Day Fix Results:

21 Day Fix Results

I lost 10 pounds and 11.25 inches total in 3 weeks!
I followed the meal plan as close as possible (yes, I am human!) and did the recommended double days for the last week.

Here is the meal plan I followed for the 21 Day Fix:

21 day fix meal plan

I can't stress enough how important planning out your meals for this program is! The first day I made my usual shake, chocolate with peanut butter and a banana, and used up ALOT of my portions!  It's important to spread out your portions across 6 meals a day.

Here is a quick video I did to explain how the meal plan works:

Honestly, this program truly is a gamechanger!  I would highly recommend this program to beginner level people who have a significant amount of weight to lose as the modifier is wonderful.  I would recommend it to couples wanting to do a program together or someone on a tight budget.  I would recommend it to someone who has a very short amount of time to reach a goal-vacation, wedding, grad, event, etc.  I would also recommend it so anyone who is experiencing a plateau!  YES, I would recommend it to EVERYONE!! 

To learn more about the 21 Day Fix program or to ORDER YOURS TODAY, click HERE.

21 day fix breakfast

21 day fix lunch


Friday, March 14, 2014

21 Day Fix Review

21 day fix review

The "Skinny" on the 21 Day Fix

The 21 Day Fix program is officially available and I couldn't be more EXCITED!  I completed my first round of this program this week and the results are amazing, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!  This is abosltuey going to change the way we prep for weddings, upcoming events, summer, vacations, you name it!  In this 21 Day Fix Review, I am going to give you the deets on this new program.  So, if I told you that I could help you lose 10-15 pounds in the next 3 weeks with a very simple eating plan and 30 minute workouts, would you keep reading?? HECK YES YOU WILL!

Want to get your hands on the 21 Day Fix NOW?
21 Day Fix  Challenge Pack
Includes 7 Workouts, Bonus Dirty 30 Workout DVD, 3 Day Quick Fix, Eating Guide, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, and 30 Day VIP Membership Team Beachbody
VIP Exclusive access to the Inferno Challenge!
 Order Here:
Includes $2 Shipping and Handling

21 Day Fix Review
What makes this program stand apart from all the other ones? IT'S SIMPLE!  Instead of having a complicated meal guide full off food options you either have never heard of or that aren't appealing to you, the 21 Day Fix allows you to eat what you like!  It focuses on portion control.  This program even includes color coded 21 day fix portion control containers!  You eat what you like as long as it fits in the containers!  YES, wine and chocolate are allowed!
21 day fix results

The Portion-Control Solution
Imagine…no more calorie counting, no more complicated meal guides, no more restrictive eating.  This program uses special portion control containers to teach you a fast, easy and accurate way of controlling what you eat.  Gone are the days of overeating (yes, you can overeat healthy food!)  If it fits in the container, you can eat it!  80% of your success is nutrition! 

21 day fix portion control containers

With the 21 Day Fix, you will get a set of 7 color coded containers, along with  a free Shakeology Cup.  All the proper nutrition for optimal results, all in one spot!

21 Day Fix Workouts
21 Day Fix consists of 7 different 30 minute workouts, 7 days a weeks for 21 days. Autumn Calabrese makes each workout very easy to follow, making this program great for all fitness levels.  There is a modifier in each workout for people with injuries or for the beginner levels to move allow with.  Workouts included in the 21 Day Fix:
  • Dirty 30 workout
  • Total Body Cardio Fix
  • Upper Fix
  • Lower Fix
  • Pilates Fix
  • Cardio Fix
  • Yoga Fix

Total Body Cardio Fix is my personal favorite, so I have included a little video of this one, so you know what to expect from 21 Day Fix.  And who doesn't like a little BONUS?!  Some extras included in your kit are:
  • Start Here Guide with Workout Calendar
  • 3 Day Quick Fix
  • Eating Plan
  • Support from me and VIP Exclusive access to the Inferno Challenge Group
  • Bonus Plyo Fix DVD (Only available when you order through a Beachbody Coach)
Who is the 21 day fix for?
Autumn Calabrese is a National Bikini Competitor and busy mom.  She completely understands how hard it can be sticking to a program with limited time and energy.  The 21 day fix program was designed with YOU in mind!  With the easy-to-follow nutrition system and 30 minute workouts, this program is perfect for people of all fitness and health levels.  Whether you have 100 pounds to lose or need to shed that last 10 pounds, this program is guaranteed to get you there.

Who is Autumn Calabrese?
Beachbody’s Newest Trainer, Autumn Calabrese has developed this program with both fitness and nutrition equally in mind.  She shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.
If you anything like me, sticking to a lengthy, complicated program is setting up for disaster.  21 day fix will be MY solution! I am sooo in LOVE with this program!

How do I get the 21 Day Fix?
21 Day Fix  Challenge Pack
Includes 7 Workouts, Bonus Dirty 30 Workout DVD, 3 Day Quick Fix, Eating Guide, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, and 30 Day VIP Membership Team Beachbody
VIP Exclusive access to the Inferno Challenge!
 Order Here
Includes $2 Shipping and Handling



Friday, March 7, 2014

Clean Eating on a Budget

When it comes to getting fit and transforming your body, the most expensive part is usual the FOOD!  Especially if you are trying to build muscle or bulk up and are consuming several thousands of calories a day, the cost can add up very quickly!

Luckily, you are not the first person trying to lose weight or beast up on a limited budget!  Here are few of my tips for clean eating on little funds:

1.  Always use a grocery list:
Only buy what you really need for your meal plan.  Also, don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach which can lead to hungry tummy impulse buying!

2. Avoid those pre-packaged meals:
I tell you to avoid this for more reasons than one.  Pre-packaged foods are packed full of preservatives and added sodium.  You will never know what EXACTLY is in there.  When purchasing these items, you are paying for the packaging and processing as well!  So not only will you be contributing to your health, but also to your wallet.

3. Buy in Bulk:
Things like rice, quinoa, oats, potatoes, beans, nuts and other high protein foods can be found in bulk for a fraction of the cost (again, no packaging cost).  Meat and protein such as chicken can be purchased in bulk, divided up into freezer bags and frozen into single servings.  My personal favorite is getting bulk ingredients to make BIG batches of food such as chili and freezing it for a quick meal.

4.  Buy your Veggies and Fruits in season:
Not only will they be cheaper, but also more delicious and nutritious!  If it isn't in season, frozen produce is also a great option and tends to be inexpensive.  Flash freezing maintains the nutritional value of the produce; a much better option than sampling it "fresh" and shipping it across the world.  Anyone for a 6 month old apple?!?!

5.  Keep your eye out for Sales:
Stock up when prices are good.  Use coupons and buy the generic brand option when the ingredients are the same as the brand-name product.

6.  Most affordable food list:
  • canned tuna
  • eggs (egg whites in carton)
  • legumes (beans, lentils, etc)
  • chicken breast
  • brown rice
  • oats
  • bananas
  • potatoes
  • lean ground beef, chicken or turkey
  • cottage cheese
  • nut butters

On my journey to getting in the best shape of my life I decided to simplify this WHOLE thing for myself!  I chose to take a Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition shake.  I had one shake a day (which cost me under $4 a day) to ensure I got max results and max nutrition.  This was my game changer.  I found it so easy to work in with my insane busy schedule as a working mom. 
 Click HERE for more info.

Avoiding the Baby Blues

As many as 70-80 % of new moms experience "baby blues", a mild change in mood beginning in the first few days after having baby.  Up to 10% of women will develop complete postpartum depression; women with a history of thyroid illness, severe pms, or a personal or family history of depression have a higher risk.

Symptoms of Postpartum depression (PPD) include loss of appetite, insomnia, severe anxiety, memory loss (beyond that new mommy brain), or feeling or resentment towards your new infant. 
PPD is a very treatable illness, but dealing with it quickly is important!  Here are some tips on how to avoid the "baby blues":

You should get at least 1 gram of Omega-3s a day.  Sardines, cooked salmon, shrimp, avocados, and flaxseed oil are all great sources of Omega-3.  Fish oil capsules are also a great way to get your daily dose.

This may seem like a joke to the new mom!  It is very tempting to try and catch up on daily tasks while baby sleeps, but DON'T.  Sleep deprivation is a major risk REST UP!

Exercise is a natural mood booster!  The endorphins released during exercise can help combat your stress levels.  Don't want to leave baby at home to hit a class or the gym? I can help you choose a wonderful at-home program suited for you!

Don't feel guilty about this! It is very important to regain what it feels like to have your own body back.  This can fall back into the category of GET ACTIVE; take this alone time to work on your health.  A bath is also ALWAYS a great option.

Foods rich in folic acid like green leafy vegetables, wholegrains, fortified breakfast cereals, maize meal and bread; foods rich in vitamin B2 including milk and dairy products, wholegrains, fortified breakfast cereals, maize meal and bread and ones rich in calcium, especially milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese and other cheeses - have at least 3 or more servings a day. Use low-fat milk, yogurt and cottage cheese if you have to watch your weight gain.

The Healthy Salt: 7 Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

Chances are, if your following the media, you’ve seen some negative press about salt.  If we are talking about table salt,  this is completely correct!  Table salt=BAD!  But if we are talking about REAL SALT or Pink Himalayan Salt then this is completely incorrect.  Himalayan Salt has MANY health benefits!  Here are some examples:

1.  Promotes a stable pH balance in cells.

This salt replenishes electrolytes in the body. An excess or lack of certain electrolytes can throw the body’s pH off balance. The human body is 60% water, but water alone is not a conductor of electrical impulses, we need electrolytes in proper amounts to coordinate electrical impulses for many biologic functions. These electrolytes are not found in table salt.

2.  Increases Bone Strength:

It contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, and copper that promote the formation and maintainence of healthy bones!  also, if there isn’t enough of these trace minerals in the rest of the body, it is pulled from the bones. (1/4 of the body’s sodium is in our bones)

3.  Improves Sleep Patterns:

Low levels of sodium from healthy, natural sources cause blood volume to decrease.  Parts of the brain grow more active to compensate, leaving you with frequent wake-ups and trouble falling back asleep.

4.  Prevents Cellulite:

Improper sodium consumption can reduce metabolic rate.  A slowed metabolic rate can mean the build-up of harmful toxins in the body which causes cellulite!  The anti-caking agents in table salt and most sea salts also act as a toxin.

5.  Detoxifies Heavy Metals and Cleanses the Body on a Cellular Level:

The negatively charged ions in Himalayan salt and its trace mineral concentration let it cross into cells and pull toxins from them.  With lots of water, the toxins are flushed from the system.

6. Supports Digestive Health.

When consumed with water, Himalayan salt can help optimize the environment in the digestive system and increase stomach acid. This can aid heartburn and digestive issues.

7. It contains ALL 84 minerals required by the body!

Don’t worry about consuming too much Himalayan Salt!  Add 1 tsp daily to a cup of water for electrolyte consumption.  Salt your food to taste!

Is Shakeology safe while pregnant or nursing?

I have been asked the question a lot: Is Shakeology safe while nursing or pregnant?
While I am can completely appreciate when pregnant women are careful about what they are putting into their bodies during this delicate time, I can't help but wonder if they are asking the same question about processed foods, pre-packaged foods and foods containing artificial dyes, flavors and preservatives.  Or how about that "pink slime"??  EWWW!  Although I am not a nutritionist or doctor I have researched this topic extensively during my own journey through pregnancy and nursing. So if you are looking for a short answer and don't want to read on, the answer is YES.  Shakeology is safe for pregnant and nursing moms-unless the mom has food allergies or sensitivities.
I know how hard it is to get the daily recommended intake of protein required for pregnancy! Personally, I was not into meat while pregnant.  Shakeology can help get that intake with high quality grade 7 protein, a much higher quality than the meat most of us have access to.  Shakeology is made from all natural ingredients, none of which are contraindicated for pregnancy or nursing.  It can also supply a complete range of essential nutrients the body is stripped of while growing your little one.


A major concern for nursing women is that post-pregnancy weight, but as they are nursing, they cannot take on "dieting" or caloric restriction.  Exercise is essential in losing the baby weight but proper nutrition can aid in maximum results from the exercise.  Shakeology is an enriched formula containing antioxidants, enzymes, probiotics, protein, fiber, fruits and greens, and many other rare ingredients that our food deprived of.


The major concern for most doctors regarding shakeology is the amount of Vitamin A it contains.  This tells me that they are only partially educated in the matter.   It is true that Vitamin A in the form of Retinol- Vitamin a derived from animal sources-have been correlated to birth defects. HOWEVER, The Vitamin A in Shakeology is in the form of plant-based Beta Carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body.  Beta Carotene has no studies suggesting it has any relation to birth defects.
Shakeology is a great way to ensure maximum nutrition for momma and baby!

Why I became a Beachbody Coach

Let me share my personal story with you!
how turbofire changed my life

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I struggled with being in shape and my body image! I woke up every single day hating the person I seen in the mirror.  I was sick all the time, my body hurt, and I was exhausted.

I tried EVERYTHING! I tried the gym numerous times, even with an expensive trainer, I tried very intense shake and cleansing programs, diet programs, diet supplements, drinks and pills, you name it, ALL WITH VERY LITTLE SUCCESS!  Maybe this was due to a lack of support and encouragement, maybe due to a lack of motivation, or maybe because I was trying to do it for all the wrong reasons. I was so discouraged and was accepting the fact it was just my body type.  After I had my daughter last year I knew I needed to try something different. I knew I needed a change! For ME and for HER, I wanted to be a positive role model for her!  I refused to go through life and having her grow up thinking it was ok to not 100% love who you are, and how do you tell someone to love themselves when you can’t stand your own self!

Something happened! I found a way to workout from home and had INCREDIBLE results! In my first 90 days I lost 37 pounds! My energy is THROUGH THE ROOF, I feel a million times better and I am in the best shape of my life even after baby! I was seeing the change I never thought I would!  I got my LIFE back!  Everyday I had something to look forward to and was watching my family transform as I became a better person, the person I always dreamed of.  I can’t say it was easy or always fun, but I can promise one thing, it was the BEST journey I had ever been on.
I knew there were other people out there just like me, needing a change.  Why not me? I wanted to be that change for other people and help them on this same journey I was on.  This was the moment I decided to become a beachbody coach.  How could I not tell everyone about my experience??  It would be a SIN.  In the past year, I have grown a team of coaches, The Inferno Brigade.  This is a group of people just like me.  Wanting to help others on this amazing journey to health and wellness.  Together we are helping to change the lives of so many people! Talk about a blessing!  With this team I have found support and encouragement, a constant motivation, and I know I am doing this “job” for all the RIGHT reasons.
My main goal in this is to inspire others.  I want to help YOU in your journey to health and wellness.  I want to help you get in the best shape of your life.

Are you ready to start your journey to a better YOU?  Join the Inferno Challenge
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